Please specify the type of data (mark all that apply): *
If you only need data from one semester, select the same semester/year for both sections.
If you only need data from one semester, select the same semester/year for both sections.
Are you requesting non-directory data (e.g., social security number, grades, GPA) *
Are you requesting directory data (i.e., contact information, name, address, phone) *
Waynesburg University recognizes the following as directory information: Full name, address, telephone listing, electronic mail address; a photograph or video; date and place of birth; major field of study; grade level; enrollment status (e.g., undergraduate or graduate, full-time or part-time); dates of attendance at the University; degrees, honors or awards received; the most recent previous educational institution attended; participation in officially recognized University activities or athletics and social media postings related to the same; the weight and height of members of athletic teams.
Example: 4-year graduation rates for education majors, number of graduates in your department over the past 5 years, etc.
Examples: grant writing, program review, accreditation, curriculum revision, etc.
NOTE: Allow at least two weeks for us to process the request.
If provided data and/or a report by the Institutional Research & Effectiveness Team, do you agree that the data you are requesting will be: 1) used for university purposes, 2) securely stored/safely disposed, and 3) guarded against unauthorized alteration or inappropriate usage in accordance with university policies, and federal and state laws? *