Section 1: General Information
Must be 10 characters. Currently Entered: 10 characters.
Enter your 10-digit Waynesburg University ID number.
Semester that you intend to complete degree requirements *
Session/term that you intend to complete degree requirements
Each semester has two terms: Grad I or Grad II.
Grad I is the first part of the semester, Grad II is the end of the semester.
(example: if you are graduating in the Spring and are planning to complete your final class starting in January, that is GRAD I.
If you are taking a class starting in March or April, then you will complete in GRAD II)
Must be 4 characters. Currently Entered: 0 characters.
Students are eligible to participate with a maximum of 8 credits or less outstanding - There is only one Commencement a year and it takes place in May. Regardless of physical participation, the name will still run in the respective Commencement Program.
Section 2: Degree Information
Degree that you are pursuing: *
MAT, MSAT and Dual Degree (MA/MBA or MSN/MBA) students do not have a specified concentration, please select N/A.
If the degree and respective concentration is not listed, please select "other" and specify the concentration you are pursuing in the next field
Section 3: Diploma Information
Diplomas will be mailed to the student's home address as it is stated in our Records. If you have changed or need to change your mailing address, please contact the secretary of your respective degree department.
Diplomas are mailed approximately one month AFTER the conclusion of the official semester of completion. See above (intro paragraph) for expected time frame.
Make sure your name is spelled correctly with appropriate capitalization and/or proper diacritical marks are indicated.
Section 4: Contact Information
example: doe1234@student.waynesburg.edu
Graduation and/or additional Commencement Correspondence will be directed to your student email account
You may provide an additional email account if you would like
Section 5: Submission Requirements
Requirements for Graduation
To meet degree requirements for a Masters degree, students must complete a minimum of 30 semester hours and earn an overall grade point average of 3.00. Some concentrations may require additional credits. Please refer to the university catalog for the specific requirements outlined for your particular degree and concentration.
Although an academic advisor and the Office of the Registrar assist students in course selection and registration, it is the responsibility of each student to see that he/she fulfills all degree requirements. Academic plans can be reviewed by using Self Service and if there are any discrepancies, it is the responsibility of the student to contact his/her advisor and/or the Registrar's office to discuss necessary information.
By signing and submitting this form, I am approving the electronic submission of my graduation application and I have read and understood the requirements for graduation as listed above and/or in the university catalog. I have reviewed my official academic plan online through Self Service and am in agreement with the remaining degree requirements yet to be completed. I understand all degree requirements must be complete prior to having a degree posted.