2. List Principal investigator (P.I.) and all sub-investigators. If you have additional investigators, use the Upload button to submit a document that details additional investigators. Protection of Human Research Subjects or CITI training must be completed by all investigators, sub-investigators, and other key personnel before submission of application.
3. Research Period
NO research activity may be conducted until formal IRB approval. This includes advertising, subject recruitment, data collection, etc.
4. Reason for conducting research
5. Investigators at institutions other than Waynesburg University
6. List any additional key personnel other than the investigators who will have contact with the subject:
7. Key personnel other than the investigators who will obtain informed consent:
8. Key personnel other than the investigators who will have contact with data
10. Indicate which of the following populations will be included in the research. *
11. Indicate which, if any, of the following items are involved
12. Source of Funding *
13. Will there be any financial remuneration, rewards, reimbursement of expenses, or other inducements to participate? *
14. Will there be any potential added cost to subjects? *
15. Do you have any supervisory or evaluation responsibilities over any of your subjects?
16. Are you seeking expedited review?
d. Assent and Consent: Indicate method of obtaining informed consent or assent from children (under age 18) or incompetent subjects.
e. Attachments: Provide a copy of each survey tool, questionnaire, or other test instrument. Attach "permission to use" communication, if proprietary. Provide any other attachments as well.
g. Intervention: Do you have an intervention?
h. Confidentiality:
i. Advertisements: Using the Upload Button, attach ALL printed and electronic ads or media used to recruit/communicate with study participants.
The IRB will not review the protocol without these signatures. By signing, department chairs acknowledge approval of this study on the basis of scientific merit and compliance with applicable professional standards; deans and other administrators signify their approval of the use of resources and faculty and student effort on the study. Multi-unit protocols require the signatures of each chair and dean).
My signature below indicates: 1) that I am submitting this protocol as the principal investigator and 2) that I have read the Waynesburg University IRB policy and have had the opportunity to have any questions answered.
I understand this is a legal representation of my signature.
We have reviewed the above information and recommend this study for consideration.