List principal investigator (P.I.) and all sub-investigators. If you have additional investigators, use the Upload button to submit a document that details additional investigators.
3. Research Period:
NO Research activity may be conducted until formal IRB approval. This includes advertising, subject recruitment, data collection, etc.
4. Reason for conducting research:
6. This research involves (check all that apply):
9. Provide a detailed summary of your proposed project, including a) consenting process, b) a detailed explanation of confidentiality or anonymity, and c) all other procedural elements. Be sure to include a detailed explanation of data collection procedures.
15. Do you have any evaluation responsibilities over any of your subjects?
16. Attached are:
A cover letter addressed to respondents must accompany any survey or questionnaire. The cover letter must be on your departmental letterhead and must include the following:
a. a statement that the project is research being conducted in partial fulfillment of the requirements of a course, master's thesis, dissertation, etc.,
b. purpose of study
c. a statement that subjects' responses will be kept anonymous or confidential (explain extent of confidentiality if subjects names are requested),
d. if audio taping: a statement that subject is being audio taped (explain how tapes will be stored or disposed of during and after the study),
e. a statement that subjects are not required to answer every question,
f. a statement that class standing or grades (or status of an athletic team, if applicable) will be affected by refusal to participate or by withdrawal from the study,
g. a statement that participation is voluntary
17. Signature
My signature below indicates: 1) that I am submitting this protocol as the principal investigator and 2) that I have read the Waynesburg University IRB Policy and have had the opportunity to have any questions answered.
I understand this is a legal representation of my signature.